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iota-imt / goshimmer
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated -
This part of the project is aimed at developing the software that would be used by ornithologists for counting birds on a picture.
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This part of the project is aimed at developing an algorithm able to create boxes around birds on a picture.
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Ce projet permet d'éteindre et d'allumer un ordinateur grâce à une carte.
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This part of the project is aimed at differentiating the species of a bird in a given picture. This will rely on AI.
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COUTURIER Christophe / knative-docs
Apache License 2.0Updated -
This is our Major project at IMT Atlantique : Human Computer Interaction & VR.
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Code source du projet fil rouge de l'UE MAPD
Auteurs: Laprévote Rose & Mhimdi Wael
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machine learning: prédiction du nombre d'insultes dans un commentaire de vidéo YouTube
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